1. Carmen suspended.jpg

    Carmen suspended.jpg

    Request created by knightdreams22
  2. Scootaloo kidnapped.jpg

    Scootaloo kidnapped.jpg

    Request created by TheDweebPonies
  3. Serena kidnapped.png

    Serena kidnapped.png

    Request created by lightbright667
  4. Tecna in distress.jpg

    Tecna in distress.jpg

    Request created by AIBDSM
  5. Bloom in distress.jpg

    Bloom in distress.jpg

    Request created by AIBDSM
  6. Elisabeth punished by Anthea.jpg

    Elisabeth punished by Anthea.jpg

    Request created by Tokocori
  7. Mystique prisoner.jpg

    Mystique prisoner.jpg

    Request created by LunasCastle
  8. Mighty Peach neutralized.jpg

    Mighty Peach neutralized.jpg

    Request created by Punchbowll
  9. Zelda kidnapped.jpg

    Zelda kidnapped.jpg

    Request created by Tokocori
  10. Starfire exiled in parallel universe.jpg

    Starfire exiled in parallel universe.jpg

    Request created by gabrielhashira
  11. Mimi in danger.jpg

    Mimi in danger.jpg

    Request created by Tokocori
  12. Mai suspended.jpg

    Mai suspended.jpg

    Request created by LilShrimpy87
  13. Yumi upsidedown finalisation.jpg

    Yumi upsidedown finalisation.jpg

    Commission created by MadPuck
  14. Theti suspended.png

    Theti suspended.png

    Request created by firagamon
  15. Nisa suspended.jpg

    Nisa suspended.jpg

    Request created by knightdreams22
  16. Nadia hogtied.jpg

    Nadia hogtied.jpg

    Request created by ailuffy
  17. Nadia prisoner.jpg

    Nadia prisoner.jpg

    Request created by Rambo11727 and modification made by Mads1906
  18. Dawn kidnapped.jpg

    Dawn kidnapped.jpg

    Drawing belonging to StalkerPortal and modification made by Mads1906
  19. Blackfire in danger.jpg

    Blackfire in danger.jpg

    Request created by Rambo11727 and modification made by Mads1906
  20. Starfire in danger.png

    Starfire in danger.png

    Request created by Rambo11727
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