1. Freedom Fighters

    Freedom Fighters

    The questionable logic of freeing criminals who win fights notwithstanding, the Hell's Divide-based Freedom Fighters tournaments are a galactic mainstay. Copyright © Servus Venandi. All rights reserved.
  2. Trials of Kimberly: Halloween Hell (In a Cell)

    Trials of Kimberly: Halloween Hell (In a Cell)

    Happy Halloween—for us, hopefully, not so much for poor Kimberly. Copyright © Servus Venandi. All rights reserved.
  3. Scenes From A Dystopian World

    Scenes From A Dystopian World

    Test renders from a project involving a cyborg mafia in a dystopian future.
  4. Bad Girls SSU: Roxie Clash

    Bad Girls SSU: Roxie Clash

    Copyright © Servus Venandi. Updated with newest character model. Old version: https://artuntamed.com/index.php?media/bad-girls-ssu-roxie-clash-old.5122/
  5. Bad Girls SSU: Caspyr and Jerri

    Bad Girls SSU: Caspyr and Jerri

    Copyright © Servus Venandi.
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